Exploring 7 Types of Wealth in the Bible

Exploring 7 Types of Wealth in the Bible to Unlock Riches
Exploring 7 Types of Wealth in the Bible to Unlock Riches

In this exploration of types of wealth in the Bible, we will journey through key passages and teachings that illuminate the different dimensions of abundance portrayed in sacred scripture.

From the prosperity of the righteous to the pitfalls of worldly riches, we will encounter profound truths that challenge our perceptions and inspire us to seek wealth that transcends the fleeting treasures of this world.

Types of Wealth in the Bible

In the Bible, various types of wealth are mentioned, including material wealth, spiritual wealth, relational wealth, and eternal wealth, each offering unique insights into God’s perspective on abundance and prosperity.

These types of wealth will be expanded upon and discussed thoroughly with relevant Bible verses to provide a deeper understanding of how they intersect with faith and life.

1. Material Wealth

When someone has a lot of money or other things, it is referred to as material wealth. The Bible tells us that this kind of wealth is a blessing from God. This is shown in 2 Kings 20:13 “Hezekiah welcomed the messengers and showed them his wealth — his silver and gold, his spices and perfumes, and all his military equipment. There was nothing in his storerooms or anywhere in his kingdom that he did not show them.”

Also, God has promised us physical wealth to the point that we will never lack it. In Isaiah 66:12 “The Lord says, “I will bring you lasting prosperity; the wealth of the nations will flow to you like a river that never goes dry. You will be like a child that is nursed by its mother, carried in her arms, and treated with love.”

But we are supposed to get this wealth honestly and use it to do good things. When you get this wealth, it is recommended that it be used to help out and share with others.

However, the Bible also warns us not to let this wealth become the most important thing in our lives, even more important than God. This warning is seen in Ezekiel 7:20 “Once they were proud of their beautiful jewels, but they used them to make disgusting idols. That is why the Lord has made their wealth repulsive to them.”

God is saying, “Having riches is fine, but don’t let them be the boss of you.” There’s a verse in the Bible, in Matthew 6:24, “No one can be a slave of two masters; he will hate one and love the other; he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”.

It’s telling us, “You’ve got to choose, and you should choose God.” So, in essence, material wealth means having lots of cool things, and the Bible says that’s okay if we get and use them the right way. But we always need to remember, these things aren’t the biggest deal. God is the main event in our lives.

2. Wisdom as Knowledge and Wealth

The Bible tells us wisdom is the most important thing, more valuable than any money or stuff we can have. Proverbs 4:7 makes it clear, saying, “Wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom. Even if it costs everything, get understanding.”

This part of the Bible pushes us to see that wisdom isn’t just something nice to have; it’s something we should chase after more than anything else.

Knowledge is about collecting facts and learning things from experiences or school. It’s knowing what the Bible says, how nature works, or what’s happening around the world.

Wisdom, on the other hand, is using what you know in good and right ways that match what God wants. It means being able to choose wisely, understand more than what you see, and guess what will happen because of what you do.

When you have wisdom and knowledge, it automatically shows that you are a wealthy person. In Ezekiel 28:5 “You made clever business deals and kept on making profits. How proud you are of your wealth!”.

This Bible portion shows that someone full of wisdom and knowledge can multiply his wealth within a twinkle of an eye, and people who don’t know this principle of wealth may be in awe.

The notion that wisdom and knowledge are part of being wealthy and can even be more permanent than material wealth is explained in the following ways:

Long and Stable Life: Ephesians Proverbs 3:16 Wisdom offers you long life, as well as wealth and honor.”. Money and material things can come and go quickly. Stock markets can fall, things can break, and what’s worth a lot now might not be worth much later. But wisdom and knowledge last much longer. They give us new ideas, help us make better choices, and encourage us to do the right thing. These lead to real success and a steady life that keeps going strong.

Reliable Success: Wealth built on deceitful plans, lies, or just chance usually doesn’t last long. Wisdom creates a strong base for success that keeps going and makes everything in life better. It helps people do well in their personal lives, at work, and in their spirits. This kind of success is good not only for them but also for the people they know.

Inner Peace and Satisfaction: Material wealth can make life easier and more comfortable, but it can’t give you real peace or happiness. Wisdom and knowing a lot help you find inner calm by living in a way that fits with God’s rules and figuring out the deeper reasons we’re here. This way of living makes you feel satisfied in a way that just having a lot of stuff can’t.

Lasting Value: Looking at it from a forever perspective, wisdom and knowledge are very valuable. They guide you to make life decisions and build relationships that matter forever, way more than just the short-term worth of things you can own.

3. Wealth of Spiritual Value

This is considered to be the greatest wealth one can accrue, spiritual wealth stands out as a deep and lasting kind of treasure. It’s different from anything else and it is priceless. The apostle Paul talks about this in Ephesians 1:3, saying, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”

This part of the Bible opens up a world where kindness is like money, the treasures come from God, and this kind of wealth is something everyone connected to Christ can have.

Since this type of wealth is the most sought-after, you might be curious to know how to acquire it. These are the simple steps:

Surrender to God: The first step to gaining spiritual wealth is to give up control and trust God. When we stop trying to manage everything and let God lead, that’s when we start to find the true treasures that come from His kingdom.

Cultivate a Prayerful Life: Prayer is our main connection to spiritual wealth. By talking to God, we make our relationship with Him stronger, share our deepest thoughts, and receive His kindness.

Engage with Scripture: The Bible is not just any book; it’s a source full of spiritual riches. When we read the Bible, it’s like connecting with God’s thoughts, letting His words guide and shape how we live.

Fellowship with Believers: Our spiritual growth doesn’t happen alone but together with others. Being part of a group of believers gives us support, helps us stay on track, and lets us grow in our faith together.

Service and Giving: Real spiritual wealth shows when we’re generous, help others, and give of ourselves. It’s by giving that we truly receive.

4. Wealth of Connection

While we chase after money and things, we sometimes forget about a very special kind of wealth: the wealth of strong relationships. This wealth doesn’t come from getting more money but from building close ties with our family and friends and doing good in our neighborhoods.

The Bible in Luke 16:9 And Jesus went on to say, “And so I tell you: make friends for yourselves with worldly wealth so that when it gives out, you will be welcomed in the eternal home.”

This scripture teaches us how important and valuable these relationships are, showing us that having people who care about us deeply is a true gift.

The Bible portion also compares the temporary appeal of having a lot of stuff with the lasting worth of good relationships. It tells us that the praise we get for being a good friend, a loving family member, and someone who contributes to their community is much more fulfilling than just collecting things.

Proverbs 22:1 shares the powerful idea that “a good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”

This saying shines a light on the fact that earning others’ respect and love is worth more than all the things we can own. Imagine a situation where people look up to and care about you, not because of what you have but because of who you are and how strong your friendships are.

Think about having to choose between living alone with lots of money and things, or living a life full of laughter, help, and love from friends and family.

The Bible encourages us to pick the second option, promising that this choice brings real satisfaction and joy. Relational wealth isn’t about the stuff we own; it’s about how much we mean to the people in our lives.

5. Health as Wealth

The Bible demonstrates that being healthy is not just about feeling good in the physical body but also inside. There’s this statement in 3 John, chapter 1, verse 2, that says, “I hope everything’s going awesome for you, and you’re feeling great, both in your body and your heart.”

What am I trying to portray here as health being wealth? It’s not just about having strong muscles or eating yummy veggies; it’s about feeling good both in your body and your heart or, as some people say, your soul.

Ephesians 3:16 “I ask God from the wealth of his glory to give you power through his Spirit to be strong in your inner selves.”

Imagine you have a magical potion that keeps you feeling super energetic, happy, and all-around fantastic. The Bible says that’s like having a special treasure. It’s like saying, “Hey, feeling good is like having a room full of gold, and it’s connected to how happy you are inside too!”

The Bible teaches us that our physical health and how we feel inside are like our best partners. If you’re taking care of your body by eating healthy and staying active, it’s not just good for your muscles; it’s like giving a big hug to your soul too.

Imagine you have two choices: you can have a giant pile of wealth, but you feel all tired and not so great inside. Or, you have a smaller pile of material wealth, but you’re bouncing with energy and feeling super happy inside. The Bible would say, “Go for the second choice; feeling great is the real treasure.”

6. Wealth of Peace and Joy

In a world where wealth is usually counted in things you can see and hold, Jesus talked about a different, lasting kind of wealth: the wealth of peace and joy. These special treasures (peace and joy) are different from any wealth on earth that comes to us through connection with God.

This is reflected in what Jesus said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.”

Peace can be likened to a smooth, flowing river that runs deep inside you, staying calm even when storms are swirling around outside. Joy is like the sunshine breaking through the darkest clouds, bringing light and warmth to the dreariest days. These are the wealth Jesus offers us. Blessings that stay valuable no matter what happens in the economy or with our personal wealth.

The best thing about this kind of wealth is seen in Ecclesiastes 5:19 ‘If God gives a man wealth and property and lets him enjoy them, he should be grateful and enjoy what he has worked for. It is a gift from God.”

Peace and joy have a way of spreading out to touch everyone around us, just like ripples spreading across a pond when you drop a stone into it. Ecclesiastes 5:11,19-20 The richer you are, the more mouths you must feed. All you gain is the knowledge that you are rich.”

When we welcome the gifts of peace and joy into our lives, we’re not only making our own lives richer but also shining a bit of light into the lives of others. This way, we’re creating a lasting legacy of true wealth that has the power to change the world.

7. The Wealth of Salvation

The book of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 19-20: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

So, what’s the big deal with eternal wealth? This kind of wealth is not about having the most silver or gold but it’s about having a forever friendship with the most awesome God.

When you have eternal wealth, it means that you have a heart full of love, kindness, and a friendship with God that never, ever ends.

The Bible teaches us that through believing in Jesus, we get this forever friendship with God. Hebrews 6:9But even if we speak like this, dear friends, we feel sure about you. We know that you have the better blessings that belong to your salvation.”  Having this kind of wealth is having a VIP pass to the coolest party that never ends.

So, eternal wealth is about having a friendship with God that goes on and on. It’s not about having the most jewels; it’s about having the most love and joy of a genuine friendship in your heart.


Having read this far, you have been able to understand that the Bible reveals a deep understanding of what true wealth is; it’s not just about money.

Picture yourself being wrapped in all seven types of wealth mentioned in the Bible. Which of the wealth practices are you currently practicing?

Equip the treasure of your mind and possess the knowledge and insight to make exploits with this wealth. Imagine your mind filled with bright ideas and the wisdom to use them well.

Think about having all these resources to grow and feel connected to a bigger plan, a divine purpose that goes beyond just the here and now.

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